Welcome • Gilakasla
Conscious designs handmade by
Zapotec in Oaxaca and Kwakwaka'wakw
from the Great Bear Rainforest
Pacific Northwest Indigenous Art Products
Handmade Oaxaca weavings of artisan blankets, throws, pillows and tapestries using 'Namgis native designs.
Our Story

Our story begins thousands of years ago on the Pacific Coast, a time when Indigenous peoples from different Nations traded handmade products to sustain their communities and ways of life. Now, this tradition continues with tumtum...
Indigenous artist Bruce Alfred and daughter Molly Willie are from the 'Namgis First Nation in 'Yalis (Alert Bay).
Together they have started tumtum threads to help to keep traditional Indigenous art, design and production within their home and partner communities, building capacity for economic resilience.
tumtum offers handwoven products created through the collaboration of First Nations families from the Kwakwaka'wakw in the Pacific Northwest of Canada, working in partnership with Zapotec (Bën za) families in the Central Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico.
Our products are designed AND manufactured by Indigenous peoples in their communities, at a time when the majority of Northwest indigenous designs are manufactured overseas in large scale factories... our goal is to change that, while bringing positive change to our communities. When you purchase tumtum threads designs you are supporting Indigenous art that is connected by two different nations.
tumtum threads video story

"tumtum" means heart, and comes from the Ch'nook trade language that was used in the continent known as the Americas.